
Math & Add. Math 参考资料

← Form 2: Mathematics

Chapter 13.2: Complement of an Event in Probability

首先,回顾一下前一课的 Simple Probability

$$P(event) = \frac{no. of (event)}{totalno.in(Sample Space)}$$

在找一个event的probability时,event只是占了sample space的一部分,对吧?那没有被占的部分,就是这一课里会学到的。。。 “complement of an event”。

Complement 的意思是 “补充的” 或 “使完善的” ... make a thing more complete.

所以,complement of an event就是指除了event, 使sample space完整的那个部分。

既然,complement of an event 和 event 是在同一个 sample space里的,那加起就会等于1。

$$P(A) + P(A') = 1$$ $$or$$ $$1 - P(A) = P(A')$$

A' 代表 complement of event A

Example Questions:

a few poker cards(Figure 1)

  1. Figure 1 shows the cards that are in Alex's hands. In the event of Alex playing all of his spades ♠️ cards. Which of the following set represents the complement of the event in Alex's hands?

    A: {5 of spades, 4 of diamonds, 3 of clubs, 2 of hearts, ace of spades}
    B: {4 of diamonds, 3 of clubs, 2 of hearts}
    C: {4 of diamonds, 3 of clubs, 2 of hears, ace of spades}

照图里看Alex手上有5张牌。题目说Alex打出所有的黑桃牌,那剩下在Alex手里的牌就不会有黑桃 ♠️ 了。所以,答案是B

  1. There 52 playing cards in a deck, and there are 4 ace cards, 12 face cards, the rest is number cards. What is the probability of the complement of getting a face card?

$$\begin{aligned} Probability\ (face\ card) &= \frac{no.\ of\ face\ card}{total\ no.\ of\ cards} \\ &= \frac{12}{52} \end{aligned} $$ $$\begin{aligned} Complement\ of\ (face\ card')&: \\ 1 - \frac{12}{52} &= \frac{52}{52} - \frac{12}{52} \\ &=\frac{40}{52} \\ &=\frac{10}{13} \end{aligned} $$

这个题目里的event,就是扑克牌里的face cards。所以,可以用1减去probability of face cards 就是扑克牌其它部分的概率。