
Math & Add. Math 参考资料

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Chapter 9.3: Probability of Combined Events - Dependent Events

Dependent 的意思是 “依赖的” 或 “相关的”

Chapter 9.1Chapter 9.2 都是关于Independent Events,独立性事件,这两课的分别在于events结合的方式。

这里,我们要学的是Dependent Events,非独立事件。就是说如果两个events是dependent的,一个event的probability是会被前面已经发生的event而受影响

pokemon gashapon illusttration(Figure 1)

Example Questions:

  1. There 8 pokemon balls in the gashapon machine, each containing different pokemon. You're given 2 coins so that you can get 2 pokemon from the machine, and no pokemon is replaced each time 1 is removed. If you got pikachu the first time, what is the probability of getting charmander after that?

$$ \begin{aligned} A. \frac{1}{8} \\ B. \frac{1}{7} \\ C. \frac{2}{8} \end{aligned} $$

题目说明如果第一次你从Pokemon扭蛋机获得pikachu, 之后你可以获得charmander的probability是多少。而且还说了每次1个Pokemon被取得时,没有新的Pokemon会加进去。所以,答案是B, 得到pikachu后扭蛋机里就剩7个Pokemon。

  1. What is the probability that the first pokemon you get is pikachu and the second pokemon you get is charmander?

还记得吗?只要probability有用到 AND 就把两个events的 probability 乘✖️ 起来。

Probability of getting pikachu first, then charmander:

$$ \begin{aligned} P(A\ and\ B) &= P(A) \times P(B|A) \\ &= \frac{1}{8} \times \frac{1}{7} \\ &= \frac{1}{56} \end{aligned} $$

P(B|A) 指,B 的 Probability 当 Event A 已经发生了

所以,在 dependent events 要留意的是,第二个 event 的 sample space,会按照第一个 / 之前的 event 而改变。


  • 每一次 event 发生的 probability 会被上一个 结果 / outcome 受影响,第一个 event 会影响第二个 event 的 probability。